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Single Assessment Process - training materials -
The following listing is subject to ongoing review and revision...
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) Training
Keith Lewin offers consultancy and training in the Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme and should be contacted for further details. Keith has successfully run briefings and workshops on POVA since
the scheme became operational in July 2004.
Contact Details:
Keith Lewin, Senior Partner, Brunswicks LLP,
Suite 3,
56 Hamilton Square,
CH41 5AS
Tel: +44 (0)870 766 9285 | Fax: +44 (0)871 288 4089
Email: keith.lewin@brunswickslaw.com | 
Web links: http://www.brunswickslaw.com
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: trainer
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Regulated by The Law Society.
ADSS (Association of Directors of Social Services)
Safeguarding Adults A National Framework of Standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protection work [author: ADSS- led national "Safeguarding Adults" network]
(October 2005)
This document collects best practice and aspirations together into a set of good practice standards - which is intended to be used as an audit tool and guide by all those implementing adult protectionwork.
Included are some examples of good practice from around the country and further examples are detailed in recent publications by the Practitioner Alliance against abuse of Vulnerable Adults (PAVA). This document is a multi-agency task, and
contributions reflect the support from partner organisations. The document cites the relevant legal statutes, includes a glossary, references and publications and useful websites. 64 pp document.
Contact Details:
Sue Fiennes, ADSS Lead/Chair Tel: | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.adss.org.uk/publications/guidance/safeguarding.pdf
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance; tool
Availability / Price: download |  ISBN/ISSN:
DLA part of the DLA Group
A guide to the 'Protection of Vulnerable Adults' [POVA] scheme [author: DLA]
(February 2004)
The 'Protection of Vulnerable Adults' scheme is operational from 26 July 2004, when it will only be applicable to care workers in care homes and domiciliary care agencies providing personal care, including
employment agencies supplying staff to carry out care.
This POVA Guide (4pp) is produced by an international law firm, as an insert to its newsletter, Healthcheck. It provides questions and answers on POVA checks and how to make references to the POVA list. It also notes the scheme's phased
implementation: it will eventually apply to many sectors of the health and social care industry. The guide also draws attention to the policies, codes of practice and memoranda which apply in a particular local authority area and which should be
followed in relation to any reports of any harm or abuse. It should be noted that this document is not intended to be relied on as a definitive statement of the law, and specific advice should always be sought on any particular issue
Contact Details:
Keith Lewin (ed) DLA,
3 Noble Street,
Tel: 08700 111 111 | Fax:
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.dla.com
Target group: LA/HA |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contacts at DLA: Mark Dale, Lynn Davies, Paul Ridout and Dawn Leonard.
This document updates the situation previously reported in DLA' s Healthcheck newsletter insert dated February 2004.
Healthcare Events
A Practical Guide to Protecting Vulnerable Adults
A one day conference on 7 February 2006 at The Royal Society, London.
There are many issues that need to be addressed when discussing ways to tackle the abuse of vulnerable adults. This conference, through a number of case studies, addresses the issues you may be currently facing, as well as enabling you to explore
new ways of working to meet patient needs. Chairman: Mervyn Eastman (UK Director, Better Government for Older People and President, The Practitioner Alliance Against Abuse of Vulnerable Adults) with ten speakers from a variety of settings.
Contact Details:
2 Acre Road,
Tel: +44 (0)20 8541 1399 | Fax: +44 (0) 8547 2300
Email: info@healthcare-events.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.healthcare-events.co.uk
Target group: LA/HAs |  Type / Format: conference
Availability / Price: £387.75 to £528.75 incl. VAT |  ISBN/ISSN:
Jacki Pritchard Productions Ltd.,
"Working with Adult Abuse" series Training tools for workers at all levels across the sector [Jacki Pritchard Productions]
For sale in various formats are a variety of levels of training on abuse from basic to specialised. All videos/dvds include: theory and information, case studies, learning points, discussion questions and
exercises. Study books can be used to accompany the videos/dvds or they can be used individually. A range of other books and training manuals are also available.
Contact Details:
Units G9 + G10,
The Globe Business Centre,
Penistone Road,
S6 3AE
Tel: +44 (0)114 270 1782 | Fax:
Email: info@jackipritchardproductions.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.jacki-pritchard.co.uk/1/index2.htm
Target group: |  Type / Format: training material; dvd/video
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN:
Directory to support organisations, agencies and practitioners in adult protection [author: PAVA]
[September 2004]
The Practitioner Alliance Against Abuse of Vulnerable Adults (PAVA) has published a new directory aimed at those working within adult protection. The document, which acknowledges good practice in adult
protection, is designed to support organisations, agencies and practitioners by referencing twenty one sites across England where positive work to protect vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation is taking place.
Following the publication of No Secrets1 (National Guidance on Protection of Vulnerable Adults) in the year 2000, the Directory seeks to illustrate what progress has been made in some areas of the country by presenting concise information on
strategies which are working well. The directory also lists contact details for those wishing to access more information on initiatives which are of interest. The directory is the result of much work and dedication from colleagues around the
country and PAVA anticipates it will prove to be an invaluable resource tool.
View Press Release for additional information.
View press release
Contact Details:
Andy Foskett, PAVA Project Coordinator, Clarence House,
46 Humberstone Gate,
Leicester LE1 3PJ
Tel: 0116 262 1654
Mobile: 07903 312116 | Fax:
Email: andy.foskett@pavauk.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.pavauk.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: book
Availability / Price: A downloadable copy of this directory will be available from the PAVA website from early November. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: For further information on PAVA see entry on 'related organisations' list.
Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd
Whose secret? Protecting vulnerable adults from abuse [author: Marion Dakin]
(August 2007)
A DVD training resource for staff working to prevent the abuse of vulnerable adults. The aim of the pack is to raise awareness of the issues of abuse in a range of settings and to help users to understand
multi-agency roles and responsibilities. The resource is a revised version of the What If? video training pack (2001) and has been updated in the light of recent policy and legislation to address the need for general trining and raising awareness
about adult protection issues. The development of this updated material has been funded by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.
The format is a ringbound training resource, including exercises and handout masters with DVD (30 mins).
Contact Details:
Richmond House
Richmond Road
East Sussex
Tel: 0870 890 1080 | Fax: 0870 890 1081
Email: | 
Web links: www.pavpub.com/trainingmaterials
Target group: LAs |  Type / Format: dvd; training material
Availability / Price: Order code: BB6 - at a cost of £95.00 |  ISBN/ISSN:
POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Department of Health
Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England and Wales for care homes and domiciliary care agencies a practical guide [including changes to the requirement for Criminal Records Bureau disclosures
in certain circumstances] [author: POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Department of Health]
(14 January 2009)
POVA, the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme, as set out in the Care Standards Act 2000, is implemented on a phased basis from 26 July 2004 (that is, for care homes and domiciliary care agencies). At the
heart of the POVA scheme is the POVA list. Through referrals to and checks against the list, care workers who have harmed, or put at risk of harm, a vulnerable adult (whether or not in the course of their employment) will be banned from working in a
care position with vulnerable adults. This guidance (39 pp) follows on from the "No secrets" guidance. It sets out what is required of providers of care, employment agencies and businesses and other stakeholder affected by implementation. It also
includes sections on provisional and confirmed listing; examples of where checks against the POVA list will be required; and definitions relating to section 80 of the Care Standards Act 2000.
The guidance published in 2009 supersedes the previous versions published in 2004 and 2006). From 20 January 2009, there are changes to the POVA scheme as part of the transition to the new Vetting and Barring Scheme. The Independent safeguarding
Authority (ISA) will make decisions on all referrals to POVA made after 20 January 2009. From that time, employers and others will have new duties to respond to the ISA's requests for further information. Employers' duties to check against the POVA
before a person starts work remains unchanged. The reader is directed to the following links for further information: www.ISA.gov.uk or www.scie.org.uk.
Also available, but from website only is: Protection of Vulnerable Adults Scheme in England and Wales for care homes and domiciliary care agencies: frequently asked questions.
This document (12 pp) provides an introduction to, and explains some detailed aspects of the POVA scheme to care providers and other stakeholders. However, for definitive guidance, the reader must refer to the Practical Guide.
Contact Details:
Department of Health,
PO Box 777,
SE1 6XH.
Tel: 0870 155 5455 | Fax: 01623 724 524
Email: doh@prolog.uk.com | 
Web links: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PublicationsAndStatistics
| http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/DH_4134725
Target group: SSDs, care homes, domiciliary care agencies |  Type / Format: guidance; policy
Availability / Price: Practical guide from any of the above: on the website, search POVA; Frequently asked questions item from webiste only. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Notes: Other contact details: Department of Health, POVA Policy Guidance Queries, Area 219, Wellington House, 133-155 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG.
The FAQ document also states that comments on, or questions about, the POVA scheme and the Practical Guide can be e-mailed to the official Department of Health Mailbox at:
The above Mailbox can also be used to send in good practice examples of local approaches to the POVA scheme and other aspects of adult protection
Respect learning materials for social care staff working with black and minority ethnic older people [authors: Jabeer Butt, Leandra Box, Suzanne Lyn Cook]
Learning materials: video (22 mins) accompanied by written pack (105 pp); particularly useful for care managers, home carers, day care staff and residential workers.
These learning materials are designed to help social care staff to assess needs accurately and to respond appropriately. The written pack is arranged in four modules. Module 1 introduces the materials and discusses the values informing them. Module
2 provides information on the social, economic and family circumstances and the mental and physical health of black and minority ethnic older people. Module 3 looks at various aspects of practice: assessment; care planning; monitoring and review;
communication; emotional care; personal care; protection and abuse; relationships; faith and spirituality; organisational issues; and ethnic record keeping and monitoring. Module 4 includes the complete list of exercises used throughout. The video
provides 'live' examples of good practice in service provision.
Contact Details:
Unit 35,
Kings Exchange,
Tileyard Road,
N7 9AH.
Tel: +44 (0)20 7619 6220 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7619 6230
Email: office@reunet.demon.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.reu.org.uk
Target group: SSD staff |  Type / Format: video; workbook
Availability / Price: |  ISBN/ISSN: 1873912803
Russell House Publishing
From where I'm sitting a manual for those working with older people in the social care sector [author: Sue Thompson]
238 pp
"From where I am sitting" is designed as an aid to learning for anyone involved in the care of older people in residential or nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living schemes, or in their own homes. The material includes background information,
items suitable for handouts, guidance on training exercises, and overhead transparency templates, so that it can be used in conjunction with training, and provides guidance for those who are just starting out in this field of work. Themes covered
include: dealing with feelings; communication; personal care; health issues; residential care; dementia; sexuality and intimacy; loss and grief; aggression; abuse; and staff care.
Contact Details:
Russell House Publishing Ltd.,
4 St George's House,
The Business Park,
Uplyme Road,
Lyme Regis,
Dorset DT7 3LS.
Tel: +44 (0)1297 443948 | Fax: +44 (0)1297 442722
Email: help@russellpublising.co.uk | 
Web links: http://www.russellhouse.co.uk
Target group: SSD/HA/PCT |  Type / Format: guide
Availability / Price: £29.95 |  ISBN/ISSN: 1898924047
Practice guide 7: Making referrals to the POVA list [written by: Julie Barnes]
May 2006
This report is available in print (76 pp) and online from the website link given below.
The Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme was introduced in July 2004 under the Care Standards Act 2000 to protect vulnerable adults aged 18 years and over in care settings in both England and Wales. The POVA list is operated by the
Department for Education and Skills (DfES) on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health (DH). At the request of the DH, SCIE has produced this practice guide for people making referrals to the POVA list. It is designed to answer any questions on
making referrals in practice, as well as providing inspiration for future development. This good practice guidance on this website does not replace previous guidance but builds further on the experience of those who have made referrals in the
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme's first year of operation and who have been able to suggest what works best in these important, and often sensitive, procedures. Using practice examples, the guidance aims to clarify the referral
process and support people making referrals to the POVA list. There are also links to relevant sources and websites from the SCIE website link. Written by Julie Barnes, there were many contributors to this guide.
Contact Details:
Social Care Institute for Excellence,
Goldings House,
2 Hay's Lane
Tel: +44 (0)20 7089 6840 | Fax: +44 (0)20 7089 6841
Email: | 
Web links: http://www.scie.org.uk/publications/practiceguides/practiceguide07/index.asp
Target group: |  Type / Format: guidance
Availability / Price: Produced by The Policy Press, see website:
http://www.policypress.org.uk |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Health
Older People's National Workforce Competence Framework Guide
The Guide explains the application and use of competence frameworks; how the framework is constructed; and provides an overview of the framework for older people's services. The overview has been developed
to provide an indication of the units of competence that apply generally to older people's health and social care services and more specific competences including those relating to care of older people with age related health needs. The competences
were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals.
View competence framework
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 9221155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/570-SfH_Older_people_a-w.pdf
| http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN:
Skills for Health/Topss England
Older People Competence Framework: units of competence
The Competence Framework for Older People covers the competences needed to care for older people with age related health needs. The competences were developed to be applicable to a range of settings and
professions - primary care, walk-in centres, minor injury units and hospitals; and staff ranging from support staff to qualified nurses, doctors and allied health professionals. This document details the units of competence, each of which describes
an activity that is a significant part of someone's job, for example: communicate with older people and their carers; assess the health and wellbeing of older people. Each unit contains a number of elements of competence that specify what an
individual using the Competence Framework needs to do to demonstrate competence in that particular area of practice.
Contact Details:
Dr Caryl Plewes, Project Director, Older People's Competence Framework, Goldsmiths House,
Broad Plain,
Bristol BS2 0JP
Tel: 0117 922 1155 | Fax:
Email: caryl.plewes@skillsforhealth.org.uk | 
Web links: http://www.skillsforhealth.org.uk/files/529-OPCompetencest5-1%28Dec03%29.pdf
| http://www,skillsforhealth.org.uk
Target group: |  Type / Format: competence framework
Availability / Price: Download pdf. |  ISBN/ISSN: