
The Centre for Policy on Ageing announces its plans for the future at its AGM July 29th 2002.
Foster Murphy, Chair of CPA, announced a wide-ranging review of CPA and its activities at the Centre's AGM. The problems that smaller charities experience over attracting core funding compounded by the fall in the value of the Centre's investments poses a serious threat to the future of the Centre.
Following an initial review Governors have agreed an action plan to secure the future of key functions of the Centre's work. The key points are:
- Partners are to be sought to establish a management consortium to take long-term responsibility for the Library and Information Service. The service has a key role for the whole gerontological community but needs the support of stable funding to enable it to be developed properly. It is the view of the Governors that this can best be achieved through the support of a consortium that represents the wider community of ageing organisations and academic institutions.
- An urgent review is to be undertaken of CPA's current policy department to develop a forward strategy to demonstrate that CPA can continue to be effective in influencing policy around ageing and can attract the funding to achieve this aim.
- To secure its immediate future while these actions are undertaken Governors have regretfully had to announce a number of staff redundancies and plans to dispose of part of its existing premises. In making the announcement Foster Murphy paid particular tribute to the staff at CPA for their commitment and professionalism.
A full copy of the Chairman's AGM speech is attached to this press release for information.
For further information please contact Foster Murphy through CPA on 020 7553 6500.