National Single Assessment Process learning and development resource

The Centre for Policy on Ageing has been commissioned by the Department of Health to create and host an online resource for health and social care professionals implementing the Single Assessment Process.

The resource, which is freely accessible, holds a wealth of material to assist multi agency working including a SAP discussion forum and an interactive glossary with web links. The aim is to provide access to information, in all its various forms, that can be shared across localities, organisations and individuals to support work around SAP, share good practice and reduce duplication of effort. The resource is continually updated to reflect new issues and practice.

The requirement to develop a Single Assessment Process was based on the recognition that many older people have wide-ranging welfare needs and that agencies, including the housing sector, need to work together so that assessment and subsequent care planning are effective and coordinated. Care is holistic and centres on the whole person. The involvement of service users is fundamental to the implementation of this strategy. The Single Assessment Process therefore provides a person centred framework, which includes entry into the system, holistic assessment, care planning, care delivery and review.

The national SAP resource is organised into the following sections:

  • learning and development materials, such as training packs; assessment tools; information sharing protocols; care plans and care pathways; videos/DVDs
  • interactive glossary of health, social care and information technology (incorporating long term conditions) -
  • discussion forum -
  • 'good practice' and innovation
  • organisations offering training and practical resources
  • Connecting for Health Do Once and Share SAP action team reports
  • e-SAP implementation updates

The materials located on the website act as a continually developing resource. We provide web links and downloadable documents, where people are happy for us to do this, or we give full contact details to help source a piece of information.

We would be delighted to hear from you in relation to this work. If you have any materials, protocols, videos, training guides or good practice examples, or know of the existence of any, then please contact Gillian Crosby either on 020 7553 6500 or by e-mail  Project manager: Gillian Crosby

Other documentation continues to be available via the Department of Health SAP website .

Single Assessment Process learning and development materials resource information leaflet.



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