Poverty and Promote Greater Independence and Well-being in Later
Service Agreement (PSA) 17 issued by the Department for Work on
Pensions in October 2007 seeks to ensure that the specific needs
of the older population are given due priority. It sets out the
outcomes the government seeks to achieve in the Comprehensive Spending
Review (CSR) period to promote improvements in independence and
well-being in later life for the longer term, building on the commitments
made in Opportunity Age - Meeting the Challenges of Ageing in
the 21st Century -the government's strategy for older people
and an ageing society. Read the PSA report
target group is everyone over 50 years and five key aspects of independence
and well-being have been identified:
- making
a contribution to society, in particular through employment
- the government will increase the choices that older people have
over working, improve the provision of information about those choices
and seek to change attitudes. Delivery will be achieved through
improving work incentives; supporting the over 50s in the labour
market; skills and training; tackling age discrimination; harnessing
older people's wider contribution to society via volunteering and
caring; local authorities will be required to address employment
issues through Local Area Agreements (LAAs).
- material
well-being, in particular the need to continue tackling pensioner
poverty - the government will promote material well-being in
later life through its work on employment, through setting and paying
state pensions and benefits, and through promoting savings for retirement.
Delivery will be achieved through promoting take-up of benefits;
streamlining processes; integrated and simplified claiming; fairer
and more generous state pensions; encouraging longer working and
saving for retirement; increasing financial capability.
- the
level of health experienced in later life
health - the government will deliver flexible and responsive
health and social care services that meet people's aspirations for
independence and well-being giving them greater control over their
lives, and help people age actively and healthily. DH will lead
on delivery. Actions include disseminating lessons from Partnerships
for Older People Projects (POPP) pilot sites; next steps in implementing
the NSF for older people will include supporting older people to
overcome barriers to active life; local authorities to work with
PCTs to deliver preventive health programmes; new health and social
care outcomes and accountability framework for NHS and social services
to ensure joint setting of priorities by users, practitioners and
- satisfaction
with home and neighbourhood including the impact of factors such
as access to services, transport and crime, and social contacts
and community -
the government will improve housing information and options, housing
conditions, home adaptations and the appropriateness of housing
for older people. The Department for Communities and Local Government
(CLG) will publish a National Housing Strategy for an ageing society
in the autumn of 2007.
- the
ability to maintain independent living, while being supported
with health and care services where needed
living - government will ensure there is greater room for older
people to shape the social care services and support they want by
implementing the new accountability and outcome framework for health
and social care. Choice and control is being extended through direct
payments and developed further through piloting of individual budgets.
DH will improve delivery of social care through among other things
a common assessment framework (CAF) for people with long term needs.
CLG will develop the Supporting People programme providing housing
related support to older people.
policy and delivery
- ensure
coordinated policy and delivery across the whole PSA engaging
with officials across government, relevant organisations, and
government offices negotiating effective LAAs. Support will continue
for the Government Office Ageing network.
- develop
and disseminate a model of transformed services for older people
drawing on findings of pilots (LinkAge Plus, Individual Budgets
and Partnerships for Older People) and linking with other transformation
teams, ie pensions, personalising social care
- implement
a cross-government Opportunity Age communications strategy
- work
with Better Government for Older People and others to involve
older people in developing national policy
- ensure
better coordination and use of research findings to inform better
policy and delivery. It will support the establishment of UK Age
Research Forum and the implementation of the New Dynamics of Ageing
research programme, and disseminate high quality evaluation reports
of pilots.
older people in service design and delivery is an important lever
for improvement in local areas. Local areas will be expected to
have arrangements in place for engaging with, and reporting to,
older people, such as Older People's Forums linked to Local Strategic
Partnerships and Better Government for Older People.