People move into continuing care in a variety of circumstances
but for each person it is a major life event. Wherever possible,
it should be the result of an individual's own informed decision
but this may not always be the case. Some will come direct from
hospital because a decision to discharge the patient into a supported
environment where care is available has been made on the basis
of multidisciplinary assessment. Some may come in as the result
of decisions made by their relatives or as a result of a crisis.
The clinical and other care needs of individuals will vary substantially.
In many cases, residents will have been assessed by their local
authority social services/work department in consultation with
medical and nursing colleagues as requiring residential or nursing
home care and some of them will be paid for wholly or in part
by the local authority under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990.
Others will be paying for themselves.
A prospective resident is likely to be anxious that the decision
is the correct one, however it was arrived at. Coming into a home
may mean a move away from a familiar area, away from neighbours
and friends. It almost certainly means a move into smaller accommodation
and the giving up of many personal possessions. Moving into residential
care may be occurring at a time of other significant change in
the person's life of crisis or emergency. That change may be
due to the loss of a partner or carer with all the accompanying
grief which that will entail. To be moving into care may itself
sometimes feel like a bereavement.
Individuals should make their own informed decision to come into
care. However, if they themselves cannot make the decision, then
those with authority to do so must ensure that the best choice
is made on their behalf. Other non-residential options should be
considered for example, packages of care organised after local
authority assessment by a care manager which enable both health
and social care services to be delivered in the individual's own
3.2.1 Making the decision
People contemplating entering care should have the opportunity
to explore the advantages and disadvantages. A sympathetic and
knowledgeable person such as an advocate, social worker or older
people's health visitor may be appropriate especially if they
have no relative or friend to offer advice. Relevant questions
to ask will be:
The reasons for deciding to move into care may be varied. Some
people may feel they have no other option because of their current
Some may be faced with the decision suddenly; others may have
planned the move for some time.
It may be a combination of several of the following:
The reasons why people come into continuing care have changed
in recent years. More are coming in because of failing health
and increased dependency than for social reasons. This has consequences
for the levels of care required in homes. Managers and staff will
need to bear in mind the varying reasons why, and in what circumstances,
residents have come into care. Some individuals may need more
support than others in coming to terms with the major change in
their lives and the home should be sensitive to this. In all circumstances,
however, new residents should be made welcome and supported through
the period of adjustment which all will experience as newcomers.
Increasingly people moving into care come via the route of a social
services-led assessment under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990.
They may have been the subject of a joint assessment between social
services and the health service prior to hospital discharge. The
social services/work department may also have instituted an assessment
of their needs while they were still living in their own homes.
There will also be an assessment of their financial means.
The assessment of needs should cover a wide range of topics so
that an appropriate home can be identified and, once the person
has moved in, a comprehensive care plan drawn up. Topics to be
covered in the assessment should include:
Copies of the assessment should be given to the home as part of
the admission process and form the first stage of care planning.
Wherever possible, this should begin before the person moves into
the home. Planning should start as early as possible.
People planning to enter residential or nursing home care should
be able to visit the home and, ideally, stay for several days.
Similarly, it is desirable if so wished that the manager of the
home should visit potential residents to establish a personal
relationship, gain information about their way of life and advise
them about what possessions can be taken with them into the home.
Many people may be too frail to visit homes in person. One way
of overcoming this problem may be for homeowners to arrange for
a video to be made (this does not need to be made professionally).
This can then be taken (with video player) and shown to potential
3.5.1 Sources of advice
There are a number of organisations which can offer advice to
people thinking of entering care. Information about them should
be made available by social services/work departments, at GP surgeries,
clinics, citizens advice bureaux, community health councils (England
and Wales), local health councils and councils of social service
(Scotland), health and social services councils (Northern Ireland)
and other advice agencies (see Appendix 3 for further details).
The right decision can only be made if people are properly informed.
Under the Registered Homes Act 1984, all homes must make available
a brochure or prospectus which sets out the aims and objectives
of the home, including the type of resident catered for (for example,
those with mental health needs or nursing care needs) and the
category of registration (residential, nursing, single, dual),
the degree of care offered, the extent to which illness or disability
can be accommodated and any restrictions relating to age, gender,
group affiliation or religion. In detail, the information should
cover the following topics:
It should also be considered good practice to make clear the ownership
of the home.
A clear statement of the terms and conditions of residence should
be given in writing to the resident before moving in. They may
be included in the brochure or drawn up separately. The statement
should include:
The first two months, or longer, should be mutually recognised
as a trial period to allow time to see how well the new resident
settles in. Many people will come into care as the result of a
crisis or direct from a period in hospital. Relatives or others
concerned with their welfare should be made aware of the nature
of the trial period. Residents coming from their own homes should
be careful to delay selling their houses or terminating their
tenancies until they are certain they want to remain in residential
care. (This statement is made in the full recognition that for
many people there will be considerable pressure placed on them
to sell their properties in order to meet accommodation fees.
Such pressure does not assist informed and appropriate decision-making.)
3.8.1 Reviews
After a trial period, the suitability of the arrangements should
be discussed fully with the resident and whoever is the individual's
key supporter (relative, friend, care manager, key worker). The
possibility of transfer if the arrangement is turning out to be
unsuitable should be considered. Review decisions should be recorded
and implemented.
Once the individual has become an established resident, a programme
of regular reviews to monitor progress and to ensure the resident
is satisfied with the home should be agreed and their purpose
explained. These reviews will become part of the care plan.
3.8.2 short-term stays
It is generally assumed that once individuals enter a home, they
will not return to their own homes. This is not, however, always
the case. A short stay may be planned for convalescence, rehabilitation
or respite. In other cases, some people's health may improve so
that they are able to return home. Appropriate treatment and rehabilitative
services should be arranged to ensure that maximum recovery takes
place and that the condition of residents does not deteriorate.
The aim of rehabilitation (which should be available to all residents)
is to retrieve a person's functioning and to maintain it at its
highest level.
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Choice
All people have the right to an assessment of their needs by the
local authority social services/work department and this should
form part of the decision-making process. Under the Carers (Recognition
and Services) Act 1995, their carers also have the right to be
assessed by the local authority.
3.3 Reasons for moving into continuing care
3.4 Assessment prior to care
3.5 Preparation
3.6 Information
3.7 Terms and conditions
3.8 Appropriateness