Centre for Policy on Ageing

Inequalities in living well with dementia - the impact of deprivation on well-being, quality of life and life satisfaction
 — results from the improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life study
Author(s)Yu-Tzu Wu, Linda Clare, Ian Rees Jones
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 33, no 12, December 2018
PublisherWiley, December 2018
Pagespp 1736-1742
Full text*https://bura.brunel.ac.uk/bitstream/2438/17177/1/Fulltext.pdf
AnnotationArea level factors, such as deprivation and urban versus rural settings, have been associated with variation in local resources and services and health inequality in later life. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential impact of deprivation and urban versus rural areas on capability to live well with dementia and to examine whether availability of informal carers modified these associations. The analysis was based on a large cohort study of 1,547 community-dwelling people with dementia across Great Britain. Quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing were measured as indices of 'living well'. Multivariate modelling was used to investigate differences in living well measures across deprivation quintiles and urban versus rural areas adjusting for sociodemographic factors and number of comorbidities and stratifying by three groups: those living with a carer, those with a non-resident carer and those without a carer. Negative dose-response relationships between deprivation and measures of quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing were found in participants living with a carer. The associations were less clear in those with a non-resident carer and those without a carer but these two groups generally reported lower scores on living well indicators than participants living with a carer. There was no difference between rural and urban areas. These findings suggest inequalities in living well with dementia according to levels of deprivation. Additional resources are needed to improve post-diagnostic care in highly deprived areas and to support those who have no informal carer. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-181214229 A
ClassmarkEA: K4: RN: RK: RL: P6: F:59: F:5HH: D:F:5HH
*Online access to the full text may require a payment

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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